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Try out, upright a investigation

Postby VernonPrami » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:34 am

Fears aired over paradise dam water release, after the dam was built

Sewage and sewage from dam

State water board officials, after an inspection of the dam, agreed to pay for an 18-month extension. (CBC)

In November 2010, the North Dakota Department of Natural Resources and Environment approved a $500,000 contract to build the 1.8-million-gallon (17-tonne) water treatment plant to supply drinking water to around 2 million people.

But, by May 2012, the construction company, Enbridge Energy Inc., announced it would be cutting ties with the project after it refused to accept the construction workers' paid annual leave that had been provided to them.

The dispute escalated over wages, working conditions and living conditions.

In December, Enbridge said it would pay $6.7 million in back pay to workers, but had not signed a contract with the workers, who have filed suit.

The workers said the contract between Enbridge and the workers did not include any compensation or benefits for living costs, health care or vacation time for the workers.

The workers have also sought a hearing with the board for a "concrete understanding of the contract's terms and conditions."

New office to boost investment in wa agricutlure. (Reuters)

A new office has come to the rescue in the food sector, as French producers have discovered a way to invest in agri-food crops through financial means.

Bilbao-based agri-food producer Cavelio has announced an initiative to create a new office in the region, where it is working to encourage farmers to invest in the agricultural sector.

"We want to create jobs and to support the farmers who are trying to reach the future," Cavelio's chief executive Jean-Louis Lefevre said in a video. "We don't have enough space for them in the office of the French FAO or the European Food Safety Authority."

In a press release announcing the initiative, Cavelio said the new office will give Cavelio and its clients a better view of the agricultural sector through the eyes of local people.

"We think that all of us — and all companies — need to change how we look at agriculture," the company's chief financial officer Pierre-Eric Périer said in the release.

The project, called Le Lidra (The Land), aims to draw people away from the traditional financial services industry that focuses on the private sector and become investors in the agricultural sector and its customers.

By creating a network of financial institutions to attract investment, it aims to increase France's competitiveness in a globalized economy, said Philippe Sézet-Németh, chair of the local agriculture council.

"We have a great history of French agriculture, and we have the possibility to go out for a second time the European model," Sézet-Németh said in an interview. "We are looking forward to see this, to see what will happen in the region."

The region is one of France's most agricultural regions, dominated by the Cavelio group, with 7 percent of the country's produce.
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